Salman Noman, a Young Youtuber Became First Pakistani to Receive Diamond Button from YouTube
- 31, March , 2023

Newstoday: Sindh Governor, Kamran Khan Tessori, invited Salman Noman, a Young YouTuber who became the first Pakistani to get the YouTube diamond button due to maximum subscribers. Noman was also given a gold medal and a certificate of acknowledgment for his astounding achievement of gaining 13 million YouTube subscribers on the occasion. Governor Tessori noted that Pakistan has enormous potential. He went on to remark that Pakistani youngsters are incredibly capable and, given the right backing, can do anything they set their minds to. With young people accounting for 60% of the population, the governor saw this as a luxury for the country, viewing youths like Noman as valuable assets. The Governor also recognized the significance of information technology (IT), stating that 50,000 young people would receive free IT training classes at the Governor's House following Eid.
