23,000 Traffic Challans Issued In One Week in Lahore

Traffic Challans

Newstoday: Lahore traffic city police is keeping a check and balance over the vehicles who are traveling without a license. In just one week, Lahore police have issued around 23,000 challans in the city. People should keep in mind the motto of the traffic police is “Driving license is not necessary, it is mandatory! Police have told everyone that every driver must have their license while driving on the roads.

According to this report, each driver has been fined around Rs 2,000 for violating this act. Besides punishment, each driver is taught to renew their license as 15,000 drivers are found guilty. Drivers can apply for their licenses after the driving test and can get them after 42 days. It is necessary for drivers to apply for the permit before the learning permit expires.

Sabahat Abid


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