Google Lens can now Detect skin diseases


Newstoday: Google Lens brings an exciting feature of strong vision- powered to identify skin conditions, including its information. After uploading your picture on the skin lens, it will inform you about skin moles and other skin diseases and disorders. In the EU, this app was launched in 2021 for skin, nail, and hair diagnosis. Later on, it was banned in the US. This lens is now linked with Bard and others.

This lens is now lined with Bard, and it's a unique and innovative way to revolutionize the services using Artificial intelligence. Google is heavily investing its sums of money in AI technologies to compete with ChatGPT and Bing AI. Bing also step ahead with new innovative features to test its own code in the background and solve complex problems. It also connects with Skype, adobe to make AI-Generated Chat.

Sabahat Abid


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