Keeping the environment clean is a collective social responsibility, Maryam Nawaz

Maryam Nawaz

News Today:   Lahore: Chief Minister Punjab Maryam Nawaz has said that maintaining a hygienic and tidy surrounding is a collective social duty.On the International Clean Up Day, Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz said in her message that keeping the world clean is indispensable for the protection and survival of the environment.

He said that it is a collective social responsibility to keep our environment clean, adopt proper methods of garbage disposal.

Maryam Nawaz said that environment-friendly measures are being taken under Sathra Punjab program, cleaning is being done in rural areas for the first time in history.

The Chief Minister further said that waste recycling and cleaning of public places are being organised, the Punjab government is doing the cleaning, the citizens will also have to take responsibility.



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