Long Fiber-Optic Cable to be Build by Israel Linking Europe,Asia, and Gulf


Newstoday: Israel recently made an announcement of planning to construct a 254-kilometer fiber-optic cable linking the Mediterranean and red sea. EAPC Group owns this project to diminish the gap between Europe, the Gulf, and Asian countries. After using the pipeline infrastructure operated by EAPC, the main lead place, the cable will start from Israel land as a bridge to provide and facilitate connectivity across the regions.

This fiber-optic cable will be installed throughout the length of the EAPC oil pipeline from Ashkelon, located on the Mediterranean coast, to Eilat, located on the northern Red Sea, with the goal of establishing Israel as a significant communication hub. According to the CEO of EAPC, this long-term effort will link the Gulf countries like UAE, Saudia, and Asia to Europe, which will enhance Israel's strategic importance as a gateway for smooth data transport. This new cable will link to current global communication networks, enabling better connectivity and data interchange across continents by leveraging undersea cables that reach Israel's shore.

Sabahat Abid


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