Pakistan Army Squad Wins First Position in 34th National Games 2023

Squad of Army

Newstoday: The arrival of the 34th National Games in Quetta, Pakistan, after 19 years, sets the best record. In the final round of the 34th games, a squad of Amry gained the top position winning 398 medals in the games. Moreover, they secure 199 gold medals, hundred and thirty-three silver, and sixty-six bronze medals. After the army team's first position, the team of WAPDA secured the second position and won the 109 old medals and the 101 silver medals, whereas they also won the bronze medal, which is 80 in number.

Nacy's team secured the third position after winning 28 gold medals and 32 silver, and 49 bronze medals. Pakistan air force team won 8 gold medals and won more bronze medals numbers in 42 and also won 24 silver medals, while HEC secured a fifth position with 8 gold medals and 17 silver medals, and other 93 bronze medals. Many different games were held between the department in Quetta, and the closing ceremony was beautiful and full of colors.

Sabahat Abid


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