Speedo Bus Shuts Down Operations in Bahawalpur

Speedo Bus Shuts Down

Newstoday: The private business that operates the Speedo Bus service announced its suspension owing to nonpayment by the government, causing concern among Bahawalpur residents. The shutdown was notified in a letter to the Punjab Secretary of Transport. The unexpected termination of this service has created a vacuum in Bahawalpur's public transport network, prompting worries about public discomfort and the city's transport system. The systems require ongoing financial assistance to guarantee that the public receives inexpensive travel.

The settlement of the transportation problem is dependent on the government's response to the claims. Bahawalpur residents are impatiently awaiting a decision, hoping that the Speedo Bus service would be reintroduced or a comparable alternative will be provided. Peak-hour public transport in the city was supplied by twelve buses. Students and professionals rely on the service for safe, cost-effective transportation to and from school and work.

Sabahat Abid


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