Inflation in Pakistan Reached to Highest Level of 45% in One Year

Highest Annual

Newstoday: CPI for Pakistan rose 31.5% year over year in February, the highest annual rate in over 50 years, while the cost of food, beverages, and transportation surged by more than 45%. The average inflation rate for the fiscal year 1973–1974 was 32.8%, and the figure for February was the highest since then, according to a spokeswoman for the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that there is a rise in prices of 4.3% over the prior month last month. In January, the CPI increased by 27.6% year over year. Compared to the prior year, the cost of food and non-alcoholic beverages jumped by 45%, while the cost of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes increased by 47.6% as a result of increasing cigarette taxes.

Sabahat Abid


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