In Pakistan, More than 5,000 Harassment Cases Registered in 5 Years


Newstoday: Pakistan stands 145th out of 146 in the world gender gap according to the given Report. As Afghanistan is the only country with the worse score. According to the FOSPAH report, the registered dead bodies of harassment were 398  from 2013 to 2018. However, nearly five thousand and eight cases were registered from the year 2018 to 2022. It further indicated that 32% of women are victims of gender-based violence, while 40% of married women endure harassment. Women have been fearful since the F-9 Park rape assault in Islamabad, and they have felt the horrible event's profound psychological impact. Two armed men reportedly raped a lady at gunpoint in Islamabad's F-9 park in February of this year. According to the initial information report, the case broke two days ago, shocking the country with the daring of the offenders who approached the victim accompanied by her colleague at the Park.

Sabahat Abid


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